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Gratitude for Friends while Battling Health and College


I'm really excited to be writing my second blog today as a McNair Scholar. College can be an extremely challenging place to be, and it rarely allows for time off. In the fall semester of the school year 2023-2024, I visited the emergency room 3 times.

Once for pneumonia, once for extreme chest pain, and once for loss of feeling in my arms following a car crash. I missed school following each visit, and struggled with keeping up on work. On November 26th, I was t-boned on my way back to school following fall break. The accident left me in a neck brace for a month, forced me to quit my job, and left me with 5 classes to finish: Linear Algebra, Calculus III, Spanish Advanced Composition, Intro to American Indian studies, and McNair Fall Seminar. Everything in me wanted to give up and drop out of school, but every morning my friends would help me out of bed, get me dressed, and carry my stuff to my classes.


Gratitude for Friends

Now, as I begin my 6th semester of college I have been spending my time catching up on my two incomplete classes, continuing my studies in Math and starting my research! While my friends have been serving a less demanding purpose in my life, they have remained essential to my progress in undergrad. We wake each other up at 6am every morning, study

together, help one another in our perspective fields, make sure we exercise, and we take turns cooking healthy meals. Our end goals are vastly different, from math PhD to physicians assistant, to business woman, we all have the same goals for now: finish undergrad, increase our mental health, and increase our physical health. It took us a long time to reach this point in our college journey, but the habits we are forming now have significantly increased the quality of our lives. I think the most important lesson I've learned this academic year, is that it's ok to need help and allow others to help you.


Gratitude for Mcnair

The McNair program has been helping me through the process of catching up from last semester, and I have a deep appreciation for being a part of such a program. The tasks I have been asked to complete have allowed me to feel steady through my college journey. I am ahead in my graduate school search, I have a better idea of what I want to study, and I am at ease knowing I have a research project lined up for the summer. I also recently finished my application for the Office of Research and Sponsored Programs (ORSP) grant with the help of my mentor, Dr. Beemer. As I await the confirmation of the grant, I am extremely grateful knowing I have McNair on my side as I continue my research journey.


Reminder to the Public

I want everyone to know that college can feel like an endless uphill battle,

but finding a community that supports you no matter what can make the hill seem less steep. In my next blog I hope to introduce you to my Mentor and Professor, Dr. Beemer, who has been an excellent addition to my McNair journey, my college journey, and my community of support.



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